This is what support looks like

Well, ok the backpack does provide great back support, but really this is my dad's way of saying, "I love you, Bekah. I acknowledge that you're wild and crazy, and I can't change that. And I acknowledge that you are going to another dangerous country and you will probably die of malaria, but I can't change that either, so have lots of fun!"
Thanks, dad! I love you too!
No really. This is my dad's idea of support. And truly it means the world to me. And it comes in my favorite color. Instead of writing a big fat check and paying for my trip, he went to Whole Earth Provision Company (gasp!) on his own accord and bought me this very nifty and perfect for future camping trips backpack, a water purifier, camping soap, a lovely green Nalgene (YAY!), and chocolate for Valentine's day.
As we sat on the couch checking out this nifty contraption that has 4.3 million straps and pockets, he asked me what I was going to do in Nicaragua. And I will tell you what I told him: We are going to spread the Gospel, we are going to tell them what the Lord has already done for everyone: he died for us because he loves us. And we are going to share that with the Nicaraguans. But we can't change their hearts, the Lord has to.
Just like the old adage goes, the journey is more important than the destination, so I have found in preparing to go on a short-term mission trip with my church, Living Hope Baptist Church Bryan and College Station.
For example:
1. We have to ask 12 people to pray for us.
This has been so convicting. Do I surround myself with people who are consistently allowing the Lord to be large in their lives? Would I ask me to pray for me? When its all said and done, who are my "people"? It was certainly NOT who I thought it was. But I am SO blessed beyond anything I could ever hope to deserve that He has surrounded me with SOLID, Biblical and sound people that make much of the Lord day in and day out.
If you are reading this and you would like to pray, here are some simple requests:
a. Pray for the hearts of the Nicaraguans: that the Lord would soften their hearts, open their eyes and ears, and call them by name.
b. Pray for team unity and purity. Pray that we would be less, so that he would be made much of. We cannot win people to Christ, it must be His words. But pray that we would get out of the way and let him be big. And pray that we would love each other deeply because he commands us to, and because His children are amazing!
c. Pray for me that I would wait for the Lord to speak and be faithful when he does, that I would not get sick, and that I would learn more about Him and grow closer and more intimate with the Lord, and that he would use this in the days to come.
2. How am I currently living in light of eternity? What treasures am I storing up? Is there fruit in my life? Am I sharing the Gospel and is it effective?
In this my answer is that the Lord is absolutely faithful and good, even when we are not, and he GRACIOUSLY prepares good works in advance for us to do. Also, he gives his children GOOD gifts that we don't deserve and some of these include front row seats to the evidences of His Hand in people's lives and how He, and He alone saves and changes lives.
I have more to write, but my roommates and I are going to drive around the great city of Bryan and search for housing options for next year.
Stay tuned. On the next episode of Blogging for the joy I'll tell you more about the country of Nicaragua and the Living Hope Bryan church plant. Thanks for joinging me!