Friday, February 06, 2009

Its Pandemic!

... Writing the Top 25 random things about yourself, that is.

1. Disclaimer and numero uno: I have been officially diagnosed and am treated for ADHD. This will explain numbers 2-25.

2. My roommates claim that I randomly misplace things. I.e. I have put my phone in my shoe holder, peanut butter in the medicine jar, lunchbox in the freezer, etc.

3. I raised lambs for 4-H AND I was in FFA.

4. I LOVE to ride on airplanes. You can legally go over 200 mph on the ground! It's especially fun when you hit turbulence in the air!!

5. I only really like dark chocolate. Godiva dark chocolate :)

6. I <3 rap and techno music. There are no words.

7. I have been to 15 countries so far. And I'll go to Nicaragua this Spring Break.

8. I collect maps.

9. I also collect stationary and my mom has trained me to write thank you notes for everything.

10. I am 25 years old, with a job, and I share a room BY CHOICE!

11. I am from a (somewhat) small town, and I don't know if I could ever live in a big city.

12. When I get out of the shower, my hair looks like I have just been to an '80s prom. Its huge!

13. I love to go. I don't really like to stay cooped up in the house for very long. This means I'll randomly spread out my errands so that there is something to do everyday.

14. I LOVE people. And I love hanging out. Praise Jesus for living in community.

15. I have a lot of random, useless knowledge. This comes in handy for board games, and thats about it. Ask me about the Cold War, or genetics :)

16. This is getting difficult!

17. I work at an elementary school and my classroom is a former dance studio. My office doubles as a ballet folklorico costume closet. Its awesome.

18. I love to learn. Thus, I love to read. Before I was a believer, I could finish off a Harry Potter in a lot less than a day. Now, I mostly read the Word, probably at least 1.5 a day. I wish I had more time!

19. I take my lunch to work everyday in my super-cute Vera Bradley lunchbag :)

20. I love to read so much that I teach Reading for a living! How gracious is the Lord?!?

21. I have a very small (blood) family and we are not that close. My dream is to have lots of kids and a big extended family that loves the Lord and goes on crazy-fun vacations together.

22. I heart the ghetto. I'm serious. Most of the time, I really want to be sitting on a couch in Nita's living room, having my hur dun.

23. The great outdoors when its 67 degrees outside. There is no greater joy. Bike-riding, swimming, walking, playing outdoor sports with friends. Oh wow. I want to go play basketball NOW!!!

24. I'm kinda on the Zone diet forever. Its where you spread out your meals to big snacks 5-6 times per day, and eat protein with your carbs. It keeps my blood sugar on par (I'm hypoglycemic), and I'm hungry all the time, so eating often helps :)

25. When eating at a restaurant I prefer water, but I really like to squeeze TONS and I mean like 5 lemons in the water. No sugar, just lemons. The water just tastes a lot better, ya know?

Thanks for joining us for another episode.

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