Monday, April 30, 2007

Represent - Get Krunk

Turn it up.

Pump up the jam!

I have been trying to wield the Word and arm myself with scripture.

For several reasons.

Sometimes its hard to focus on what pleases the Lord.

Sometimes I just get frustrated.

Sometimes I'm just downright human.

When I first came to Living Hope, one of the VERY FIRST things that caught my attention was that as we sang our songs, our awesome worship-leader, Aaron H., would cite the scriptures.

This was revolutionary to me as a lost person.

You mean, there is actually a reason, and a reference to why we sing these songs?

This blew me away.

So, the Lord invaded my head and my mouth and my heart with snippets of worship songs.

I say snippets because I just sing the parts I remember.

Majesty, worship his majesty.

Thats it.


He is the Lord the Famous one, the famous one, great is your name in all the Earth,
The heavens declare your Glorious, Glorious, great is your name in all the earth.

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 5:19-20)

Lately, this has been true again.

Over the summer I went to Brandon & Bethan's wedding, and I have since kept their little booklet with the lyrics to 'In Christ Alone' and 'How great thou art.' I carried that puppy everywhere with me last semester.

You would think I would have them memorized like the back of my hand, and that people would be begging me to leave CS and try out for American Idol.

You would be mistaken.


All of this to say, that there is some awesome free music I have been jamming to this week.

I would love for my joy to be yours.

Check it.

Its my Joy to Worship you!


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